
The Magical Number 5

Based on the article here we could argue that the number of objects an average human can hold in working memory is 7 ± 2. Or maybe this number has gone up dramatically in this day and age – I have to remember at least 13 passwords at any point in time, and of different complexities and rules.


Build a smart Supply Chain

78% of C-level executives do not have a real-time view of inventory across their supply chain channels, with 50% of them believing they do not have the right platforms or technology in place to support expanded fulfillment options. Which one are you?


Data is not Enough – An Introduction to Makoro™

Introduction to Makoro™ AI – how Makoro™ derives its name from the Bantu language and the foundational principles of Makoro™. The proliferation of connected assets makes it impossible to manage assets by viewing data, reports, and dashboards. Makoro™ manages assets through natural language recommendations, which operators, process engineers, and maintenance engineers can act upon without having to depend on data scientists.

Makoro™ illustrates the power of #AppliedArtificialIntelligence in solving transformative problems in the manufacturing supply chain.

#MakoroAI #CodeDataIO #PredictiveRecommendations #NaturalLanguageRecommendations #PredictiveAssetManagement #ContinuousIntelligence


Fueling Progress or Environmental Concerns? The Dilemma of Oil and Gas

In the grand theater of global progress, the oil and gas industry has long played a leading role, providing the lifeblood of energy that powers our modern world. Yet, as the curtains rise on a new era of environmental consciousness, a dramatic dilemma takes center stage. How can an industry that has fueled progress for decades also play a pivotal part in preserving our planet?

Environmental Stewardship: Walking the Tightrope

The oil and gas industry stands at a crossroads, where the path to sustainability intertwines with the demands of energy-hungry societies. As concerns about climate change intensify, the industry is faced with a pressing question: Can it reinvent itself to become a beacon of environmental stewardship? Innovation is key. From cleaner extraction techniques to carbon capture technologies, the industry’s ability to adopt eco-friendly practices will shape its role in the world’s green transformation.

But can this transformation truly address the concerns? Can the industry balance its need to meet global energy demands with a commitment to minimizing its ecological footprint? The answer isn’t simple, yet it’s a conversation that is lighting up boardrooms, policy discussions, and dinner tables alike.

Economic Realities: Navigating Uncharted Waters

As the spotlight shifts to sustainability, economic realities cast their shadow. The oil and gas industry isn’t just about energy; it’s a pillar of jobs and economic stability. The transition to cleaner energy sources shouldn’t leave behind communities or undermine economies that have relied on oil and gas. It’s a complex ballet of finding innovative ways to shift towards renewable energies while ensuring that the workforce remains secure and economies continue to thrive.

Is it possible to strike a balance? Can the industry maintain its economic importance while evolving to meet the demands of a greener world? The challenge lies not only in technological innovation but in crafting inclusive strategies that embrace communities and create new opportunities.

Join the Conversation: Shaping a Greener Future

The stage is set for a profound transformation. The audience, comprising policymakers, industry leaders, environmentalists, and citizens, is engaged in a discourse that holds the potential to rewrite the script of the energy narrative.

It’s not just about finding answers – it’s about engaging in a dialogue that sparks creative solutions. As we navigate this intricate web of challenges, your voice matters. Share your insights, your ideas, and your hopes for a future where energy and environment harmonize.

In the Spotlight: The Industry’s Role in Shaping Tomorrow

The oil and gas industry is no longer just an energy provider; it’s a protagonist in the unfolding story of sustainability. Will it rise to the challenge, adapting and innovating to safeguard the planet while providing the energy that drives societies forward? Can it create a symphony of progress that resonates with both economic realities and environmental aspirations?

The audience awaits. The spotlight is on. It’s time for the oil and gas industry to navigate its path amidst the dilemmas, dancing to the rhythm of innovation and sustainability. 

Redefining Energy: Makoro™’s Role in the Oil and Gas Dilemma

In the unfolding drama of the oil and gas industry’s transformation, Makoro™ takes center stage as the ultimate sustainability partner. Makoro™, the trailblazing continuous intelligence (CI) platform, brings a cutting-edge performance to the energy stage, offering innovative solutions to the industry’s eco-conundrum. With its AI-powered insights, Makoro™ turns the spotlight on cleaner extraction methods, real-time environmental monitoring, and optimizing energy production, all while harmonizing with economic realities. As the oil and gas industry navigates the dilemmas of tomorrow, Makoro™ ensures that the spotlight stays firmly on innovation and sustainability, delivering a show-stopping performance that’s bound to leave a lasting impression on the world stage.

Schedule a call to talk more about your needs and how we can help.

#oilandgasindustry #environmentalconcerns #greenrevolution #energytransition #climatechange #greentransformation #realtimemonitoring #renewableenergy #futureofenergy #recommendations #makoroai


Industry 4.0 – The Data analytics revolution

Manufacturing is embarking on a data-driven revolution, but as with all transformations, realizing its full potential will take the right actions, both individually and collaboratively. Within a few years, manufacturers will collaborate in hyperconnected value networks where data and analytics technologies will drive competitiveness, new consumer experiences, and societal and environmental impact.

Indeed, data and analytics are critical to realizing the “Factory of the Future” because they allow transparency, prediction, and augmented and autonomous systems.

Already today, leading manufacturers are leveraging data and analytics to meet their performance, sustainability, and resilience goals. The imperative to increase efficiency and productivity is motivated by extreme cost pressures as well as liquidity concerns resulting from market disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses prioritize sustainable operations – 79% have set a net-zero target, according to a recent Boston Consulting Group (BCG) survey of over 1,700 manufacturing executives. Simultaneously, businesses are attempting to create more robust and connected supply chains in order to predict and react more quickly to disruptions.

The majority of businesses are aware that data and analytics are transforming the way they produce products. 81% of survey respondents report having introduced at least one data and analytics use case, and 72 percent report that the value of data and analytics has risen over the last three years.

Despite their lofty goals and compelling value propositions, businesses have yet to realize the full potential from their analytics initiatives. Currently, only 16% of manufacturing executives report that their business has derived value from data and analytics. While the majority of companies have deployed at least some use cases, only 37% have scaled applications outside particular areas of a factory.

One factor is the focus on data. That may sound like an oxymoron, and it is. The holistic purpose of what your business needs is lost when you focus too much on the data and how it should be made available.

Instead, Makoro™ focuses on the value that your data can deliver to your business. Specifically in terms of predictions, insights and recommendations, thereby providing companies with the agility and capacity to foresee. It helps in planning for changes in process efficiency, employee engagement, and asset performance.

This results in a rapid increase in decision-making continuity and transparency.

Leaders who adopt Makoro™ report an increase in operational agility between 21% and 35%.


These technologies are driving Industry 4.0 adoption

Manufacturers will never build in the same way again as a result of Industry 4.0 – the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Manufacturers across all industries are digitizing their businesses to discover new, more cost-effective ways to source materials, run production lines, serve customers, and analyse their results for continuous improvement.

As with any significant change, Industry 4.0 may appear challenging to manufacturing professionals unfamiliar with its implications. Indeed, numerous technologies may play a role in the current revolution. The challenge is to determine which of these technologies have the greatest potential to transform the way you conduct business. 

Artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, and blockchain are three technologies that are shaping up Industry 4.0.

As with the majority of Industry 4.0 technologies, artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, and blockchain all have one thing in common: they are cloud-based. This means you’ll have easy access to the data storage space and computing power required to analyse the massive amounts of data generated and consumed by these technologies.

Artificial intelligence (AI) assists you in resolving issues by learning from patterns in your data that you might not have noticed on your own. How is this accomplished? By combining automation and machine learning for the purpose of analysing massive amounts of data. This enables you to identify undesirable trends in machine downtime, pinpoint periods of high scrap rates, and use these insights to make more informed profit-maximizing business decisions.

Additive Manufacturing has grown in popularity even outside the manufacturing sector, with the majority of people referring to it by another name: 3D printing.  Manufacturers are only beginning to explore the full range of additive manufacturing applications. Several researchers have combined machine learning and generative design to generate alternative part designs. 

Blockchain technology improves transparency from raw material procurement to final product delivery and confidence at any level of the industrial value chain. Combining blockchain technology and the Internet of Things aid in resolving issues such as provenance, counterfeit identification, and asset tracking in supply chain management. It also enables new approaches to maintenance (such as digital service agreements) and faster turnaround times.  

At Makoro™, we use AI & advanced data analytics to make asset performance management recommendations in the natural language of the user so they can easily understand and act upon the recommendations. This enables faster, better and compliant decision making.


Digital-Twin-Powered Recommendations Deliver Savings & Efficiency



Recommendations from Makoro™ deliver improved asset and process performance consistently. But instead of looking at data and making decisions yourself, the system provides a simple prescription of actions to be taken based on deep analytics. This improves consistency in decision-making and ensures compliance.

Decision-making is transparent as all actions on recommendations are tracked by the system and learned from to make future recommendations better.

Makoro™ connects to any source of data, including data from log files, and excel spreadsheets, and the data that has been sitting on your flash drives.

Makoro™ offers simple SaaS pricing (per asset per month per user) for customers – asset, equipment, and process manufacturers, owners, and operators.

Makoro™ operates frictionlessly across Edge, Private, Public, and Hybrid Clouds, and Customer Data Centers, so it leverages customer’s infrastructure to the maximum.

Makoro™ now offers 4 capability levels – starting with Starter, through Intermediate, Advanced, and Pro, so customers can onboard and scale with ease depending on their requirements.

The 10-Day Challenge program is the right point to start and mitigate your risks in Makoro™ adoption.

Makoro™ leverages #AppliedArtificialIntelligence and #NaturalLanguageRecommendations powered by #DigitalTwin in solving transformative problems in the manufacturing supply chain.

#MakoroAI #CodeDataIO #PredictiveRecommendations #10DO, #DataIsNotEnough, #AssetPerformanceRecommendations #ContinuousIntelligence #Industry40 #SimplifiedROI #BusinessAgility #OperationsAgility


Makoro™ Joins Nvidia Inception

#Makoro™, the next-generation AI, Digital Twin, and Recommendation technology for Industrial, Medical, and Manufacturing Processes from CodeData – has joined NVIDIA Inception, a program designed to nurture startups revolutionizing industries with advancements in AI and data sciences.

Makoro™’s pioneering #DigitalTwins-powered recommendation system leverages continuously learning based on data from #IIoT, #EnterpriseSoftware, and #Operations at scale to make natural language recommendations that drive the efficiency of manufacturing operations, increase asset uptime, reduce maintenance costs and increase workforce efficiency.

NVIDIA Inception helps early-stage startups with credits to the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute, discounted rates, and presentation opportunities at the GPU Technology Conference (GTC), not to mention the use of the NVIDIA network, advanced AI technologies, and expertise to help accelerate Makoro™’s growth.

Makoro™ leverages #AppliedArtificialIntelligence and #NaturalLanguageRecommendations powered by #DigitalTwin in solving transformative problems in the manufacturing supply chain.

At #TeamMakoroAI we look forward to working with one of the leading AI technology companies in the world.

#MakoroAI #CodeDataIO #PredictiveRecommendations #10DO, #DataIsNotEnough, #AssetPerformanceRecommendations #ContinuousIntelligence #Industry40 #BusinessAgility #OperationsAgility


Just Launched: 10-Day-Outcome Challenge

CodeData has just launched the 10-Day-Outcome Challenge, where your data meets Makoro™ technologies and delivers a meaningful outcome to your business in 10 days. Sign Up on the site and we will be happy to share more.