
Pandemic has accelerated Industry 4.0

Manufacturers are looking to digitize their activities to meet the demands of the pandemic. The aim is to create a single operating mechanism that spans all available resources on a global scale.

This necessitates consistent structures and standardization, which must be facilitated by emerging technology, agile processes, and data access. It is essential to provide global insights into plant performance combined with business background from enterprise systems.

The greater the amount and the variety of data that learning systems can ingest, the more accurate they become. Digital processes and the capacity to process vast amounts of data are essential components of digital transformation.

A key element of adoption for digital transformation initiatives is value demonstration.

A large percentage of pilots rot in the “Pilot Purgatory” because they do not demonstrate a clear business value.  Makoro™’s dashboard provides a continuous value demonstration of recommendations on specific business outcomes related to assets, maintenance, and workforce. These are quantified values that also act as incentives to continuous asset and process improvement.

Another impediment is workforce adoption.

Deployment of new tools often is too technology-focused. It does not put business capabilities in the hands of the existing operations workforce, the real catalysts who leverage their domain and process knowledge to derive value from these tools. Makoro™ is created for the operations workforce – for operators, maintenance engineers, floor managers, and operations executives. Makoro™ gives recommendations that are seamlessly integrated into their regular task workflows, making them easy to adopt.

We internally say that “Makoro™ solves the issues on the production line that keeps operators up at 8 o’clock on a Friday evening.” Do you really want to call the data scientists at that time to interpret data and drive decision-making? That’s where the natural language recommendations really make their mark.

A third barrier is the high cost of a scalable solution.

It is one thing to experiment with analytics – ingest data from a few machines, run experimental algorithms, and derive value (which is also a necessary step in the lifecycle) but building a scalable solution that works for thousands of assets and hundreds of devices per asset, and supports hundreds of workers across multiple locations needs well-thought-out vision, risk mitigation strategies, and investment plans. Makoro™’s Automated Operations and Continuous Intelligence scales up and down in a frictionless manner across devices, edges, and hybrid clouds to deliver the scalability that businesses need.

We should aim higher, but implementations must start smaller in scale, with an eye on delivering maximum impact. The rollout should be line-by-line and site-by-site, which mitigates risk and delivers value at each stage.

Want to know how Makoro™ can drive adoption, scale, and value in your business? Sign up for a demo.